Badges are small components typically used to communicate a numerical value or indicate the status of an item to the user.
withBadge Higher-Order ComponentThe withBadge HOC allows you to easily add badges to icons and other components.
ComponentCustom component to replace the badge outer component.
Type | Default |
React Component | Pressable or View |
badgeStyleAdditional styling for badge (background) view component.
Type | Default |
View style(Object) | None |
containerStyleStyle for the container.
Type | Default |
View style(Object) | None |
statusDetermines color of the indicator.
Type | Default |
"primary" or "success" or "warning" or "error" | primary |
textPropsExtra props for text component.
Type | Default |
TextProps | None |
textStyleExtra styling for icon component.
Type | Default |
Text Style(Object) | None |
valueText value to be displayed by badge, defaults to empty.
Type | Default |
any | None |